Maartje Eyskens

Hello Hugo

After a chat about blogging systems and static site generators in the Gophers Slack I got to know Hugo. A static site generator written in Go. While in the past I used Ghost to host my blog it only offers basic features that are also offered by (almost every) static site generator. Also my template was broken so I had the choice to fix that or give Hugo a try. Why should I keep using Ghost?

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Makerscene, not only for the nerds

When you and your sweetheart* both get the assignment to visit a Fablab. There is only one option left going together. That you send an Applied Computer Science student to there is obvious but a future kindergarten teacher? That is a different story. Or maybe we see it in the wrong way, many people who are into technology tend to show some interest in working with 3D printers and stuff. But what we often forget is that there is use for these tools: making individual things that are often unique or hard to get (eg.

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Carbon Graphite Grafana - on a Raspberry Pi

This story starts in IoT class: read out 2 a light and temperature sensor and send it to a MySQL database. Piece of cake! Simple SQL select, parsing into JSON passing to Graph.js and here we go. Heh, this is fun let’s set up my OpenVPN on the Pi and a reverse proxy to make it accessible from everywhere. (why dynamic DNS if you can make it more complicated but firewall bypassing) Not even 24 hours later Léo (as a joke) suggests Grafana.

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Telenet: flaws by design

“Can I have the Wi-Fi password?” “Sure, what can go wrong?”. If you have Telenet at home: A LOT. Each and every Telenet user has a unique login and an email address, the last one is probably known by already everybody. What do you need to take over their network? Just an entry point! That Wi-Fi password usually is no issue to get, you might already have it via Skype.

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Innovate: a remote story.

So we tried Slack, a sentence from their first ad which is actually true. At Innovate we have a team in 3 countries in 4 locations. With in the past even more. Managing to work together when it is impossible to just walk to each other is perfectly possible these days. And Slack helps us a lot with this. The team Currently we exist of 4 people. Me, Aaron Gregory, Ethan Gates and Léo Lam.

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London can sink, we're fine

“redundancy” 37 matches last month ITFrame is a vital component of our our infrastructure, it is designed to be the central hub and database of Cast, Control, Apps, Player and DJ. Unfortunately last month(s) was/were not great. Despite the redundancy we had built we had one issue we could not solve. The infrastructure. ITFrame was hosted at OVH Public Cloud, which had several issues to even complete downtime since we switched to it from RunAbove (which has been closed in favor for OVH).

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Aquaris M10 HD Ubuntu Edition review

Warning: I am not a professional journalist. I am a huge fan of Linux (on ARM). This review may not be fully objective. Or contain all correct spelling/grammar. A few months ago when the Aquaris M10 with Ubuntu was announced I was very excited. First of all the first device with convergence, a dream of Canonical even before Microsoft told a word about “one (scaled down) Windows”. But also the first (commercial) tablet with the Linux kernel.

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Multiarch Docker Images

A few months ago I wrote about Docker and CoreOS on ARM. With the introduction of the C2 by Scaleway we did some changes to that infrastructure. To make it multiarch. That means we both use arm(hf) and x86_64 servers in one cluster, with the same Docker images. Why should you want this? Some architectures are better suited for some tasks, have a small app that doesn’t need much single thread power?

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